IR | Integrated Reporting Framework |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative Standards for Sustainability Reporting |
SASB | Sustainability Accounting Standards Board |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
TCFD | Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures |
UNGP-BHR | United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights |
GRI | SASB | TCFD | UNGP | Page Number and Other Remarks |
About the Report |
2-1 Organizational details |
Link |
2-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting |
Link |
2-3 Reporting period, frequency, contact point |
Link |
2-5 External assurance |
The report went through three levels of review. The FPH Board provided internal assurance of the report, assisted by its Corporate Governance Committee. The full certifcation by the FPH Board is provided on the right.
To check the compliance of the report with the Guiding Principles and Content Elements of the Framework, we commissioned the University of Asia and the Paci c-Center for Social Responsibility (UA & P-CSR) as external and independent experts to evaluate the report (pages 186-193). |
Certification from the Board |
Link |
Chairman's Message |
Link |
About the Company |
Link |
Value Creation Process |
2-6 Activities, value chain, and other business relationships |
Link |
3-1 Process to determine material topics |
Link |
3-2 List of material topics |
Link |
3-3 Management of material topics |
Economic |
Economic Performance |
Financial Capital |
Link |
Economic Value Distributed |
Financial Capital | 201-1
Direct economic value generated and distributed |
Link |
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers |
Link |
Financial Implications of Climate Change |
201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change |
IF-RE-450a.2 Description of climate change risk exposure analysis, degree of systematic portfolio exposure, and strategies for mitigating risks |
Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, Metrics and Targets |
Link |
Valuation of ESG Impacts |
Link |
Environmental |
Climate Change |
Natural Capital | 305-1
Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
IF-EU-110a.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Resource Planning |
Metrics and Targets |
Link |
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG |
Link |
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions |
Link |
Emissions and Air Quality |
Natural Capital |
305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions |
IF-EU-120a.1 Air Quality: Air emissions of the following pollutants |
Link |
Consumption, Efficiency, and Management |
Natural Capital |
302-1 Energy consumption within the organization |
RT-EE-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, and (3) percentage renewable |
Metrics and Targets |
Link |
Materials and Resource Use |
Natural Capital |
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume |
Link |
Management |
Natural Capital |
303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource |
IF-EU-140a.3 Water Management: Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks |
Link |
303-1 Management of water discharge-related impacts |
Water Management: Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks |
2022 FPH Integrated Report, pages 111-113 |
303-3 Water withdrawal |
Water Management: Total Water Withdrawn |
Link |
Wastes and Waste Management |
Natural Capital |
306-3 Waste generated |
RT-EE-150a.1 Amount of hazardous waste generated, percentage recycled |
Link |
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal |
Link |
306-5 Waste directed to disposal |
Link |
Land Use and Biodiversity |
Natural Capital |
304-3 Habitats protected or restored |
Link |
Social |
Capital Development and Employee Well-being |
Human Capital |
2-7 Employees |
Link |
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover |
Link |
404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee |
Male -12.7 Female -19.1 |
Human Capital Development and Employee Well-being |
Human Capital |
404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills |
Our training and development programs are delivered through our learning-on-demand platforms, online webinars, and self-paced learnings. The types of training offered for this year were:
405-1 Diversity of Governance Bodies and Employees |
Link |
Labor Practices, Management, and Relations |
Human Capital |
Child Labor |
Child Labor |
Neither FPH nor its subsidiaries employ children or engage in forced labor; our supplier and vendor assessments include adherence to national laws, which contain laws against child labor. FPH is the benchmark on child rights in Southeast Asia by the Global Child Forum. |
409 Forced or Compulsory labor |
Forced or Compulsory Labor |
Neither FPH nor its subsidiaries employ children or engage in forced labor; our supplier and vendor assessments include adherence to national laws, which contain laws against child labor. FPH is the benchmark on child rights in Southeast Asia by the Global Child Forum. |
2-30 Collective Bargaining Agreements |
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining |
We have labor unions for our energy and construction segments to promote labor rights of freedom of association. We have Labor-Management Councils that continue to improve relations with unions in the group. Employees can raise their grievances and concerns through their respective human resources teams, and we ensure that these concerns are heard and respected. |
Labor Practices, Management, and Relations |
Human Capital |
402-1 Labor and Management Relations - Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes |
Labor Practices and Decent Work and Human Rights Grievance Mechanism | Link
We comply with labor laws prescribed by the Labor Code of the Philippines and related issuances, stated in our management approach for human capital and found on page 213 of our 2020 Integrated Report. |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Human Capital |
403-1 Occupational health and safety management system |
Link |
403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation |
Aligned with our environment, safety, and health (ESH) policy, all of our subsidiaries have existing ESH committees in place to address OHS concerns in the workplace. Protocols, such as HIRAC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Control) are rigorously implemented to ensure that our employees and workers are protected at all times. |
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety |
Aligned with our environment, safety, and health (ESH) policy, all of our subsidiaries have existing ESH committees in place to address OHS concerns in the workplace. Protocols, such as HIRAC (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Control) are rigorously implemented to ensure that our employees and workers are protected at all times. |
403-3 Occupational health services |
Link |
403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety |
Link |
403-6 Promotion of worker health |
Link |
403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships |
Link |
403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system |
All employees are covered |
403-9 Work-related injuries |
IF-EU-320a.1 Workforce Health and Safety |
Link |
Stakeholder Engagement and Community Relations |
Social Capital |
411 Rights of Indigenous People |
Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Non-discrimination, and Human rights Grievance mechanism |
Link 1; Link 2
Cultural Heritage and Indigenous People Policy |
413 Local Communities |
Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Non-discrimination, and Human rights Grievance mechanism |
Link 1; Link 2
Cultural Heritage and Indigenous People Policy |
Human Capital, Social Capital |
Approach to stakeholder engagement |
Link 1; Link 2 |
Human Rights |
Human Capital, Social Capital |
2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns |
Human Rights Assessment | Link |
Energy Affordability |
Social Capital |
Link |
Product Quality | Social Capital |
Link |
Governance |
Resource Allocation |
Strategy and Resource Allocation |
Link |
Risk Management |
Risks and Opportunities |
Governance, Strategy, and Risk Management |
Link |
Responsibility for Economic, Environmental, and Social Topics |
Governance |
2-12 Role of highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts |
Governance, Strategy, and Risk Management |
Link |
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts |
Link |
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting |
In 2018, the FPH Board issued a resolution declaring sustainability as a fiduciary duty of directors. Further, the Board shall be assisted by the Corporate Governance Committee to assist the Board in sustainability matters. |
Governance structure and composition |
Link |
Governance |
2-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance body |
Link |
2-11 Chair of the highest governance body |
Link |
2-15 Conflicts of interest |
This is one of the responsibilities of the Audit Committee and is covered by our Conflict of Interest Policy, available on our website. |
Communication of critical concerns |
Critical issues are communicated to the Board by the CEO, the President, and the Chief Risk Officer through the Board Risk Oversight Committee. |
2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body |
Link |
2-19 Remuneration policies |
Link |
Process to determine the remuneration |
Link |
Statement of sustainable development strategy |
Link |
2-23 Policy commitments |
Governance | FPH has:
Policy details are on our website: Link |
Embedding policy commitments |
General embedding process for policies on: Link
Policy details are on our website: Link |
Processes to remediate negative impacts |
Additionally, this is further explained in our Disclosures of Management Approach in our 2020 Integrated Report, available on our website: Link |
2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations |
The FPH group ensures compliance with all laws and regulatory requirements. One operational upset was recorded in 2021 in our non-power group. Sampling was done, which showed a return to compliant status after several days. Additional control measures are being discussed with the local regulator.